Thursday, February 28, 2008

Got Soap?

For Christmas this year, Gavin/TROY got a R/C airplane. Now flying that airplane has become a weekend must. Usually first thing Saturday morning Troy takes the boys out to fly the airplane. It is great exercise for the boys (they just chase the plane while it is taking off and continue to chase it while it is airborne) and Troy is happy to improve his piloting skills. Gavin has learned some interesting life lessons with the "Super Cub" (the name of this particular model airplane). For example, #1 What goes up must come down (often harder and not in the same condition that it took off). #2 Even though it is "Gavin's airplane", Daddy is the "real Pilot". #3 You must use nice words even when you are truly frustrated. Let me explain #3.

Gavin has an extensive vocabulary. We are very proud of the kid who spoke only Gavinish the first 3-3 1/2 years of his life. I had numerous people ask me when I was going to put him into speech therapy. Well I am happy to say that his speech has improved dramatically however sometimes he picks up a few strays. A few weeks ago I was getting the kids ready for pre-school which includes a lot of yelling on my part, " Gavin get dressed!, Colby eat your lunch, NOW!". While I was taking care of Mazzy I yelled to Gavin, (who was already dressed, which I knew and I really wanted him to put on his shoes) "Gavin get your clothes on!" To which he logically responded, "I have my clothes on YOU IDIOT!" Now for those of you who know Gavin, you know he is not mischevious, mean, rude and usually makes good choices. Well this choice had a logical solution, we had to clean out his mouth with soap. Gavin has never had soap in his mouth before and was deeply affected. Needless to say I was frustrated and more frustrated because I understood where his frustration came from. Back to our R/C Airplane.

So a few days after Gavin's mouth was purified he went flying his R/C airplane with Troy, Colby and Poppy. Troy flew the plane first and had a great flight. Poppy decided that he wanted a go and was doing great when all of the sudden he lost control and started to crash the beloved plane. Gavin in his pure frustration and absolute fury exclaimed at the top of his lungs, "Poppy, you Idiot!". Lucky for Gavin I was not there. However Troy was and Gavin will never forget that grab on the arm! He has since been purified again and now when he hears a word like stupid, idiot, or dumb on a video or movie he tries to turn down the sound so that he does not repeat 'bad' words. One of the difficult parts about being a parent is seeing your kids learning the hard way. Especially when you understand where they are coming from.

Sunbeams 2008

Colby was having a difficult time adjusting to Primary this year. He would not sit during sharing time and was usually sitting (not so quietly) with either Troy or I which got difficult when I would need to take care of a fussy Mazzy, and Troy was teaching the Valiant 10/11 year olds. Finally the Sunday before Valentines Day Troy had a personal revelation. He asked Colby if he would stay by himself in Sharingtime and Sunbeams if he got a Lollipop. Colby's reaction was typical, "Ummmm, o.k. daddy". That day no problem! His teachers, Bro. and Sis. Cooper were so happy to tell us how good Colby was and how much he must love them now. I don't think Troy had the heart to tell them that Colby's fantastic behavior was the result of a lollipop bribe. However, On Valentines Day his cute teachers brought him a giant krispy treat Kiss Valentine with this copy of their class picture. It has changed his whole attitude about church. Now Colby brings the picture with him to pre-school, Grandma's house, and church on Sunday. For Colby's love and affection all it takes is a little love, time, attention, praise and most importantly...candy!

Friday, February 22, 2008

This one is a little overdue but the pictures are worth sharing even late. On December 23, 2007 Mazlyn Trudee MacDonald was given a name and a blessing. With most of Troy's family present for the Holidays along with Grandma Gert visiting from Utah we thought it was a great opportunity to involve as many as possible. I am so glad we did. Troy gave a beautiful blessing and I hear that she smiled really big when he finished!

On Friday the 29th of December I got her pictures taken at JC Penny in Stoneridge Mall. The Pictures turned out way better than I imagined and I got suckered into a big package. Who can resist their own kids? Especially a little angel in a white baby blessing dress!

I am in trouble.

February 22, 2008

For Valentines this year the kids let me take a photo that will make me smile forever.

Gavin and Colby had their (Resurrection Lutheran Pre-school) school pictures taken and they both look so handsome, I would totally be their girlfriend if I weren't their mother.

Mazzy is getting big fast. I am happy that she is healthy and a little resentful that the time flies so quickly. She is up to 13.5lbs and 24 inches which is 50% on the charts. Alright Maz! Her daddy has been introducing her to the only MacDonald family sport, hot tubbing, (I think Scott actually has a trophy somewhere, or should). Troy has created a mini-me hot tub in our kitchen sink. She is a natural MacDonald! Troy is so proud!

I am enjoying each month especially with Kindergarten around the corner. I don't know what Colby will do without his playmate for 3 hours every day. I don't know what I will do without Colby's permanent BFFE = Gavin. It has been nice to only have to be at pre-school for both boys on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. I love my freedom and making my own schedule. That will be a hard adjustment in September. Oh well, we all have to grow up sometime. I guess I'll have to do it with my kids.