Friday, February 22, 2008

This one is a little overdue but the pictures are worth sharing even late. On December 23, 2007 Mazlyn Trudee MacDonald was given a name and a blessing. With most of Troy's family present for the Holidays along with Grandma Gert visiting from Utah we thought it was a great opportunity to involve as many as possible. I am so glad we did. Troy gave a beautiful blessing and I hear that she smiled really big when he finished!

On Friday the 29th of December I got her pictures taken at JC Penny in Stoneridge Mall. The Pictures turned out way better than I imagined and I got suckered into a big package. Who can resist their own kids? Especially a little angel in a white baby blessing dress!

I am in trouble.


Julie said...

hey loralee, I just put your name into google for fun and look who I found! your kiddos are so cute and so grown up. are you close to San Fran? I will be there next week.

Train Gang said...

holy smokes! the boys school pictures are so cute!! and mazzy is beautiful! the boys look more alike than I thought when they are next to each other in a school photo! same smile, different lips right? LOVE it. don't make me wait so long next time for updated pictures. and Mazzy is classic in her "hot tub" she fits in just fine.