Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sunbeams 2008

Colby was having a difficult time adjusting to Primary this year. He would not sit during sharing time and was usually sitting (not so quietly) with either Troy or I which got difficult when I would need to take care of a fussy Mazzy, and Troy was teaching the Valiant 10/11 year olds. Finally the Sunday before Valentines Day Troy had a personal revelation. He asked Colby if he would stay by himself in Sharingtime and Sunbeams if he got a Lollipop. Colby's reaction was typical, "Ummmm, o.k. daddy". That day no problem! His teachers, Bro. and Sis. Cooper were so happy to tell us how good Colby was and how much he must love them now. I don't think Troy had the heart to tell them that Colby's fantastic behavior was the result of a lollipop bribe. However, On Valentines Day his cute teachers brought him a giant krispy treat Kiss Valentine with this copy of their class picture. It has changed his whole attitude about church. Now Colby brings the picture with him to pre-school, Grandma's house, and church on Sunday. For Colby's love and affection all it takes is a little love, time, attention, praise and most importantly...candy!