Friday, November 14, 2008

Sleep Apnea, Tonsils, Adenoids, Surgery, Therapy!

I have a lot of back blogging to do from Halloween, the election, Prop. 8 passing, Mormon's being persecuted because of Prop 8 passing, my dad's 62 Birthday, but I have to vent at this time about something that is happening as I am writing, Colby going under the knife.

I have never thought of blogging as therapy. I have used in instead of scrap booking, journaling, keeping in touch, but never out of necessity or panic. I just sent my 4 year old off to the hospital with Troy for an Adenoidectomy/Tonsilectomy. I have 2 1/2 hours to kill before I will see him in the post op and I am already on edge and wondering why I let Troy talk me into taking him instead of me. O.K. background...

Colby is a beautiful, spirited, aggressive and loving boy with a slight speech impetiment. However, I haven't been worried the speech problem, just aware of it. He has had a serious snoring problem since he was 2. It gets so bad sometimes that he wakes us up across the apartment or interrupts a movie that we are watching in surround sound. I could live with that too. One serious issue is that he also has Cold Induced Asthma. So whenever he has a slight cold and sometimes even when he doesn't have a cold, he has a hard time breathing, especially at night. The other thing I noticed and brought to the attention of his Pediatrician is that often when he is snoring he stops breathing for seconds at a time. The pediatrician seemed a little disturbed by this piece of information at his 3 year old wellness check. She told me to monitor his breathing at night and count how long his pauses in breathing would last. His snoring and pauses seemed to get worse over the year and at his 4 year check she recommended an Ear Nose and Throat specialist. Long story short after X-rays and talking with the doctor, Colby has abnormally large Adenoids and Tonsils that are blocking his airway in his nose and mouth. It is actually quite serious and so surgery was scheduled 4 weeks later and here we are. He is scheduled for surgery this morning at John Muir Hospital.

This is a strange time to bare one's testimony but I am so grateful for the Power of Prayer and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Troy was able to give Colby a blessing of healing last night and it is in Heavenly Father's hands now. I am so thankful for the Church Of Jesus Christ. I am so blessed to have had its blessings throughout my life and I hope never to take it for granted. I feel bad for the negative feelings towards the church at this time over 1 political stand that passed by the will of the people and may be overturned by tyrants. I will never regret my membership in this church or question that our Prophet, President Monson gets revelation from Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I feel sorry for people who don't believe in something bigger and higher than themselves. What a bleak existence it would be.

Anyhow, my thoughts and prayers are with Colby this morning. I love you little buddy and I will see you in a few!


Emily Busath Murdock said...

Oh momma! You and Colby are in my thoughts and prayers today. I hope that this surgery will give him a better night's sleep and happier days ahead. Keep us posted!

Erin said...

That is so scary! Great mommy detective work on your part. I was constantly having surgeries as a kid, but now as a parent CANNOT imagine how scary it must be to put your baby in the OR. I'll be praying all the way from North Carolina!

Lance and Becky said...

Lee you can't post such beautiful things and not think I won't ball my eyes out. Tell Colby I love him so much and that chino will give him a kiss on his tummy when we see you guys. We love you all!!

Mandi said...

what a rollercoaster! you seem really brave about it! i definitly know in those loney moments as a mother when you have no control, the softness of the spirit is what gets you through. heavens watching us =)

April said...

What a mom:0), I would feel the same way. Troy, as for your post goes, Jacob would feel the same way about the situation. Hope all is well and I miss you guys! colby nice sleeps ahead!

Leisa Waldron said...

Oh sad...I am so late reading this. But seriously, you seemed to handle everything so well. Giving any child anesthesia has to be so scary. I am glad Colby is up and running, I hope your apt goes good tomorrow!