Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Day Of School

The day I have been dreading for the past 5 years and 9 months is upon me. The day I brought Gavin home from the hospital in Dallas, TX, I kept thinking thank goodness I have at least 5 years before I have to worry about school. Those 5 years went by in a flash and I have been battling the tears and the upset gurgle in my stomach all day. Tomorrow I will know what it means to give my child into the care of the California School system. (Freaking Scary Thought!!!) I hate to think of everything he is about to face in the next 13 years of public school. I guess I am just lucky I got the time alone with him that I had and I should be grateful. Don't get me wrong sometimes I have thought to myself, "Why can't he be in school already?" Today I am just sad, petrified and trying to look so excited so he won't know the anxiety I feel. 8:15 am never looked so daunting and imposing. Good Luck Gavin I love you more than you will ever know! Have a great first day!