Sunday, October 26, 2008

BOO at the ZOO!

We usually try to stay away from frequented places during a holiday, but we tried one out that was pretty successful this year. We went to BOO at the Oakland Zoo on Saturday. They had all kinds of fun little events going on like scavenger hunts, a parade, free face/body painting and watching the wildlife get little Halloween treats. It was really fun.

I heard that the kids could dress up but didn't really think my kids would be into putting on their costumes when it was 90 degrees outside.
I was amazed that Gavin wore a felt Great White Shark costume almost the entire day and Colby put in amazing effort with a full dragon suit.

Mazzy was the lucky one with out a costume. She did try on Gavin's shark head for entertainment, but it never lasted.
Colby got pretty grouchy quickly in the heat so we relieved him of his burden about an hour in. Still much longer than I expected. We got to see the animals pretty close up.

Notice the Alligator along the fence. Perhaps a little too close. We could have jumped on him if we felt so inclined.

The Tortoise had the right idea.

I couldn't resist a few shots of the Flying Foxes that were showing off their stuff. The boys had a really good time at the body art booth.

I had a hard time getting them out. Hopefully not a premonition.


Karen S said...

Where is the milk costume? A little too hard to walk around the zoo in? That was the best costume I saw all night at the Trunk or Treat. Loved it.

Jen said...

90 degrees! Crazy! That looks like a blast. They probably had so much fun parading around in costume!