Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who says a 1 year old doesn't care about presents?

Mazzy's big day was a success. Colby, Maz and I hung out in the morning. (I was really worried when Gavin started school that Colby would be devastated without his playmate. I didn't expect that he and Mazzy would find a lot in common. They both love to build, destroy, climb into and out of anything they can fit into, eat a lot, yell a lot, push, pull and try to walk without interference. It has been so fun watching their relationship develop. Sometimes it is not so pretty but for the most part so far so good. I am crossing my fingers.)

Me being the prepared mom that I am didn't have any birthday presents for Mazzy. I didn't think she would care being 12 months old and all. So I decided to take her to Target and see if anything struck her fancy. To my surprise she fell in love with almost every toy I put in front of her. I let her play with them for a while and realized she didn't care too much what it was as long as she got to play with it for a while. I toyed with the idea of letting her have a mini play date at Target and calling it a day, aka leaving all the toys there. Colby helped me decide on a few dominant toys and then we left. Colby went home with Grandma to wrap the toys and hang out till Mazzy woke up from her nap.

After Mazzy's nap Grandma brought Colby and Gavin home for the present opening section of the day. I had no idea Mazzy would be so excited. She was so happy and I was lucky I caught some of it in photos. It is amazing what a happy child does to a parent. It is like the best present the parent can have. Now I know why my own parents went overboard with gifts when I was growing up. There is nothing better than seeing bliss on the face of your children!

I can't say enough about Mazzy. Just thinking about what she means to me makes me choke up. We feel so blessed to have her in our lives. I never thought I needed a little girl. I was all about being a boy mom! I was unexplainably wrong. Happy Birthday little lady! We LOVE you!


Karen S said...

What cute pictures! Happy birthday Mazzy!

Jen said...

How is she already one! I love this post! whenever I see that beaming face I ache for a girl.

Lance and Becky said...

She is sooooo cute I miss her!! Hope you guys are good we broke down and got a blog too. Its not much but its fun! I am so bored in this bed!